Loved it.
Very touching story. Liked the quote at the end, and the song fit freakishly well. Very nice. D:
Loved it.
Very touching story. Liked the quote at the end, and the song fit freakishly well. Very nice. D:
Scary how well the song fits, huh? And it was almost totally unplanned. The ONLY things I changed to fit the song were the butterflies and the angel/devil bit.
Not What I Was Expecting...
I mean that in a good way.
I found this rather hilarious. XD The song just keeps going and going though... a fade-out may have done well at the end. But what do I know?
I just saw the third earlier today, and the combination of that and this definitely tells me I need to see the first two.
Part 5... I guess if you do one, I'd be surprised. "And then the big bang happened and we start... well... all over again. *return to part 1*"
I love your effects. I am tempted to try some myself, and, frankly, would love to see what you'd do with Flash 8's blur functionality. So says the guy still using Flash 6 because he's never seen enough money to buy the real thing in his life.
My mind wanders. Very deep and also very spiffy. Bravo.
Wow, flash 8 now has blurring? That sounds neat. Thakyou also for the encouragement, as much as i would like to. I think i need to take a bit of a break before moving on to different themes and stories.
I could probably stand to watch the series.
The ending would probably be the funniest part... >.> X3
what does that mean?
Not Half Bad
The sound effects were a wee tad loud and the old man's rythmic blinking drove me mad, but he got squished anyway so ha ha take that old man lack of punctuation wee.
I dare say I look forward to part two! *nods*
It wasn't really laugh-out-loud (except John... heh), but funny no less in a way that one kind of snickers at it within to themselves.
Not bad.
So very random...
Seriously, I was just staring at it for the first bit, but as it got on into it, I couldn't stop laughing. It's just too random to *not* be laughed at. Luff!
Creator of the comics Trelldain, Lonely Hooves & Witches' Thralls. Illustrator of cute monster gals, and occasional musician. Storyteller.
Age 38, n
Lebanon, OR
Joined on 9/21/05