Very nice.
I envy your audio samples and would punch a nun to know where you get them. o3o Srsly.
That aside, I can't think of much wrong with this at all. It's very well put together, sounds wonderful... I've no complaints. : )
Very nice.
I envy your audio samples and would punch a nun to know where you get them. o3o Srsly.
That aside, I can't think of much wrong with this at all. It's very well put together, sounds wonderful... I've no complaints. : )
Thanks man! XD
For this piece, all samples were taken from just two soundfonts - FluidR3_GM, and one of the steel string acoustic guitar soundfonts from those wonderful people down at Flamestudios. You can find them here: ts XD
Absolutely Amazing
It sounds very professional and is nice and upbeat. Could work really well in an RPG or movie scene with relative ease, and stands on it's own pretty well to boot. : ) Well done. : )
Space-filling. o3o
It's not overly complex or intrusive, so it works very well as an ambient track while I work on things. Relaxing, easy to zone out to, but when you stop and listen there's a nice variety to the notes themselves as they bounce about.
"Magic rabbit in limbo" works very well as a setting one would hear this, so god work there. : )
thank you for the review
Not bad...
The piano solo kinda killed it, the start sounds a bit wonky, and you kinda left off the last bit of the song. The main guitar sounds good for the most part, tho, as does the backup. I dunno, a lot of it seems really empty to me, particularly that piano solo. If you could find a way to fill it out a bit better but keep a decent balance to it, it would help a lot. As is, it's not a bad foundation, it could just use a bit more work yet.
This was the culmination of only about 4 hours (mostly to writing the music out, not mastering or mixing)
The piano was really a "best of the worst" situation. I couldn't find a filling instrument for that part.
We'll see if I can't get this sounding better before the Super Nuke Bros project is finished.
Thanks for the review!
I've been in the mood for something really mellow tonight, so something that's this far from that description still earning my praise can't be a bad sign.
It's not overwhelmingly demanding of my attention, but interesting enough that if I give it my full ear it still keeps me entertained. It's good as ambiance and as dedicated tuneage, so no complaints here.
Good tempo, avoids being overly redundant, and enough variety in sounds that it stays interesting throughout. Well done. : )
Thanks :D
Very nice. : )
I could easily see you working it into something less loopy and more all-out song with time, but as is it seems very versatile in that I can see it working for a flash movie, game, or just as background music while one works. Sledding, snowball, more sledding... naw, now I'm stuck on sledding. : | Think I'm gettin' tired.
Lovely as usual. : ) Though I'd love to see it expanded into something a tad less repetetive, as you said, it's a sloop.
Yeah, I wanna take it into an actual song.
This one was written for a "loop" purpose.
Holy Crap. XD
The fact you hit number 4 in the audio portal is like gleesauce to me. :3 I still like Love, Midna better, but this is a close second. : )
the song is hauntingly beautiful, and I love yer voice. o3o Don't suppose you'd be up for singin' somethin' fer me sometime? ;D Geeze, it's pretty...
I shall get to reviewing your other stuff slowly but surely. o3o So far I've liked it all, even if I haven't said so. You're really good at this...
Aww thank you.
"gleesauce". That's awesome. ^_^
I'd love to sing something for ya! That is, if I HAD something to sing. Cause I just love to sing. And I love that you love to listen to me sing.
Pretty good.
The DKC series seems to attract some pretty bum remixes, even the top-end ones like on OCR barely able to keep my attention. This isn't oozing super-professional audio quality or anything, but the mix is authentically interesting and has a good pace to it, with enough to it to make me hapy I clicked that link.
Keep up the good work. : )
Thanks! =D
Has Potential.
Do come back and finish it eventually. What's there rigth now is incredible! :o
thanks bro, the encouragment may just be all i need.
thanks for the review mayn.
I'm not a big fan of rap usually. But this is incredibly entertaining, and I like the use of the manipulated voices and such. It avoids being redundant and the subject matter obviously doesn't fit the stereotypes I've come to expect of the genre, so... I've no complaints on this one. Even without the EB references, I could see myself enjoying it (though it certainly didn't hurt at all. ;) )
Glad you liked it!
Creator of the comics Trelldain, Lonely Hooves & Witches' Thralls. Illustrator of cute monster gals, and occasional musician. Storyteller.
Age 38, n
Lebanon, OR
Joined on 9/21/05