I keep coming back.
It's been at least a week. I play multiple rounds a day. I've roped multiple friends into it. My neurons are extremely activated.
This is extremely good. The learning curve is a bit sharper than Minesweeper's, obviously, but the attention to detail is somewhat astounding. Learning monster patterns and tells is as useful as coming to grips with the numbers on the board, and seeing people in the reviews lay out the patterns they found was both fascinating and made me better at the game. I find myself calculating, taking the odd shot in the dark on an educated guess, and having the ever-elusive "a-ha!" moment whenever I figure out exactly where the slime wizard is hiding.
My only gripe is that I'm not sure why some rounds I get closer to a perfect game than others. I'm not sure how random the board's actual contents become, but I always seem to come up short. Regardless, pursuing the challenge runs is a fun added challenge and wrinkle.
I have no idea how one could meaningfully expand upon this, but I'd love to see it done, because I cannot even get enough of what's already here. Genuinely excellent work.