
40 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 72 Reviews


Never heard the original, but can't let that stop this.

Sounds more SNES than NES (reminds me of something between Earthbound's town themes and a cheery 16-bit platformer), but that's really irrelevant beyond how you titled the song. Instant fave, sir! :)

rtnario responds:

But all I used was Magical8bitPlug and famisynth which are both NES VSTs :< Maybe it's the effects I applied XD Thanks!


Both versions of this have a feeling I'm fond of, if a little biased towards - their instrument choice lies a lot with a game project I was working on and have recently been revisiting. Difference being, I did all those songs out of premade loops in ACID, so... much less personal touch.

Biased opinion aside, both songs are beautiful. I found you through "heartbeats" and tonight decided to check you out a bit closer, and have yet to regret it. Your stuff has a nice ambience to it that I adore.

I'mma keep earing yer muzaks. Ho yes.

You mind if I put these in my game? o3o They really would fit well, and give it a bit more of a personal feel to the music than the largely manufactured crud I'm using now.

broove responds:

Thank you! Feel free to use the song ;)
If you'll use the original one (with the beat), I'd recommend you to lower the bass volume.

Needs work.

The borderline absence of an actual bassline not only kinda kills a lot of the Sonic feel of the song, but just helps emphasize that all of these notes are dang high. I like icy synths and i still think this is shrill as hell. I know there's an instrument in there trying to act as bass, but past the first bit of the song where it's mostly just it playing, it falls inaudible behind everything else.

The sounds conflict too much for attention not only from sounding fairly similar at times but also because they're all basically playing int he same octave over each other at as best i can tell the same volumes. There's audible static at points, too.

On the upside, this is the Crater tune, so you got the song itself right. You just need to balance it better.

Sabre-TL responds:

Damn, well at least it's better than the last one I suppose, I'll work on the problems you mentioned, thanks for reviewing!

Absolutely Gorgeous

I have faved. I have downloaded. I am in awe.

What did I do to deserve your fave? XD I can't touch this with a ten-foot pole. it's just too awesome. o3o

Very very pretty... -/most useless review ever- FREE TEN YEY?

JojotheJester responds:

Dont put yourself down :-p you may not have thousands of layers but your song was insanely catchy and upbeat.

Not bad.

A bit redundant, but catchy enough to survive as good background music. A nice dark ambience that screams for action around it, so I could definitely see this being sued for a game or something. The redundancy is helped by the ambient sounds and occasional switch-ups you do, and you thus make good use and get a lot of mileage witha fairly minimal number of instruments.

You've a lot of empty space there at the end, like almost half a minute of it. o3o It's a minor thing but hurts any loopability the song has (and also isn't really needed so it's possibly just taking up extra file space).

kevindurante responds:

Yeah I know I got too lazy to cut it off at 3:30 am and just wanted an opinion on it haha

Very nice.

I envy your audio samples and would punch a nun to know where you get them. o3o Srsly.

That aside, I can't think of much wrong with this at all. It's very well put together, sounds wonderful... I've no complaints. : )

Beacon515L responds:

Thanks man! XD

For this piece, all samples were taken from just two soundfonts - FluidR3_GM, and one of the steel string acoustic guitar soundfonts from those wonderful people down at Flamestudios. You can find them here: http://flamestudios.org/free/Soundfon ts XD

Space-filling. o3o

It's not overly complex or intrusive, so it works very well as an ambient track while I work on things. Relaxing, easy to zone out to, but when you stop and listen there's a nice variety to the notes themselves as they bounce about.

"Magic rabbit in limbo" works very well as a setting one would hear this, so god work there. : )

srzsmack responds:

thank you for the review

Not bad...

The piano solo kinda killed it, the start sounds a bit wonky, and you kinda left off the last bit of the song. The main guitar sounds good for the most part, tho, as does the backup. I dunno, a lot of it seems really empty to me, particularly that piano solo. If you could find a way to fill it out a bit better but keep a decent balance to it, it would help a lot. As is, it's not a bad foundation, it could just use a bit more work yet.

nal1200 responds:


This was the culmination of only about 4 hours (mostly to writing the music out, not mastering or mixing)

The piano was really a "best of the worst" situation. I couldn't find a filling instrument for that part.

We'll see if I can't get this sounding better before the Super Nuke Bros project is finished.

Thanks for the review!


I've been in the mood for something really mellow tonight, so something that's this far from that description still earning my praise can't be a bad sign.

It's not overwhelmingly demanding of my attention, but interesting enough that if I give it my full ear it still keeps me entertained. It's good as ambiance and as dedicated tuneage, so no complaints here.

Good tempo, avoids being overly redundant, and enough variety in sounds that it stays interesting throughout. Well done. : )

ErikMcClure responds:

Thanks :D

Very nice. : )

I could easily see you working it into something less loopy and more all-out song with time, but as is it seems very versatile in that I can see it working for a flash movie, game, or just as background music while one works. Sledding, snowball, more sledding... naw, now I'm stuck on sledding. : | Think I'm gettin' tired.

Lovely as usual. : ) Though I'd love to see it expanded into something a tad less repetetive, as you said, it's a sloop.

VGSongbird responds:

Yeah, I wanna take it into an actual song.
This one was written for a "loop" purpose.

Creator of the comics Trelldain, Lonely Hooves & Witches' Thralls. Illustrator of cute monster gals, and occasional musician. Storyteller.

Sera C.B. @ZaronX

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